Payroll Outsourcing
Payroll can be your biggest expense, doing the payroll is a time-consuming process and robs important business-development time from you. This is time that could be more profitably spent on managing and growing your business.
By outsourcing the payroll task to D V Mannion & Co you’ll never have to worry again about having the right software to automate the process, or keeping up-to-date with the ever-changing and increasingly complex taxation and employment legislation.
Our services includes:
-Complete payroll outsourcing including preparation of weekly, fortnightly, 4- weekly and monthly payrolls
-Unlimited number of employees, pay elements, deductions, cost centers, or departments
-Calculation of PAYE, PRSI, pensions, and all other deductions including Notional Pay (Benefit In Kind, company cars etc.)
-Comprehensive reporting tailored to individual requirements
-Itemised Secure Payslips
-Staff deductions and payment (e.g. pension, Private Health Insurance payments to providers)
-Payments direct in to employee bank accounts via EFT to all major banks
-Facilities to make Revenue returns and payment via ROS (Revenue On-line Service)
-Year-end processing
-A Help Line facility on hand at all times to respond to your payroll queries
Stephen Hannon MIATI

Thesaurus Payroll Manager
