Farm Succession Tax Planning

DVM & Co presented two tax planning clinic sessions at the Teasgasc Transferring the Farm Clinic at Athenry Raheen Woods Hotel on 14 Oct 2015. The Teagasc programme was attended by 350 people who received a programme of Seminars and Clinics on land transfer,...

PI Act Changes

Borrowers will now be able to apply for a court review when a creditor rejects a personal insolvency proposal. Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald signed an order on Thursday allowing a borrower to apply to the courts if a mortgage lender declines a personal...

Personal Insolvency Success 3

Our client was a widower with children and prior to his wife’s death the couple were separated.  After the couple’s separation, he purchased a new home for himself and a buy to let property. He then took out a third mortgage to purchase his original principle private...

Revenue Update

• Revenue has recently introduced a centralised LoCall Number (1890 216 216) for self-employed taxpayers and SME’s. • From 3 May 2016, refunds or repayments that are due to tax payers who are mandatory eFilers will be paid by Revenue electronically to their bank...

Revenue Update

The Revenue Commissioners introduced the Jobs and Pension Service with effect from 12 September, 2016.  This system replaces Form 12As which were completed by the employee and submitted to the Revenue Commissioners by the employer to manually apply for tax credits and...
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